Meet the Faculty & Guest Instructors

Hands-OnLine LIVE instructors are world-renowned dentists, lecturers and advisors.

Dr. Bob Margeas DDS, AEGD, AGD

Dr. Bob Margeas


Dr. David K. Chan DMD, AAACD

Dr. David Chan


DR. Marc Geissberger DDS, MA

Dr. Marc Geissberger


Dr. Marcos Vargas BDB, DDS, MS

Dr. Marcos Vargas


Dr. Newton Fahl DDS, MS

Dr. Newton Fahl


Guest Instructors

Dr. Devin McClintock

Dr. Devin McClintock


Dr. Rafael Bustamante

Dr. Bobby Nadeau

DDS, MSc Endodontics

Dr. Rafael Bustamante

Dr. Susan McMahon


Dr. Taras Konanec

Dr. Taras Konanec


Dr. Rafael Bustamante

Dr. Nate Lawson


Dr. Friedman

Dr. Manfred Friedman


Dr. Ron Kaminer

Dr. Ron Kaminer


Dr. Patrick Roetzer

Dr. Patrick Roetzer


Dr. Rafael Bustamante

Dr. Rafael Bustamante


Dr. Rafael Bustamante

Dr. Paresh Shah


Dr. Patrick Roetzer

Dr. Chad C. Duplantis


Dr. Patrick Roetzer

Dr. Dimple Desai


Dr. Patrick Roetzer

Dr. Reza Farshey


Dr. Patrick Roetzer

Kerry Lepicek


Dr. Patrick Roetzer

Beth Parkes


Dr. Patrick Roetzer

Dr. Jennifer Bell


Shannon Pace Brinker



Dr. Bob Margeas

Bob Margeas, DDS

Dr. Margeas graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 1986 and completed his AEGD residency the following year. He is currently an adjunct professor in the department of Operative Dentistry at the University of Iowa. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Operative Dentistry. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry, a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, American Society for Dental Aesthetics and International Team of Oral implantologists (ITI). He has written numerous articles on esthetic and implant dentistry, and lectures and presents hands-on courses nationally and internationally on those subjects. He is currently the Editor in Chief of Inside Dentistry, on the Editorial Board of Compendium, and is a contributing editor to Oral Health in Canada. His memberships include OKU Honor Dental Society, American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Margeas maintains a full-time private practice focusing on comprehensive restorative and implant dentistry in Des Moines, Iowa.

Follow on Instagram:@drbobmargeas

Mastering the Class IV restoration with Dr. Bob Margeas: live or on-demand

Mastering the Class IV Restoration

Instructor: Dr. Bob Margeas

In this course, Dr. Margeas will guide participants, step-by-step, through his layering technique and rationale for the selection of opacities and translucent composite. In addition, participants will learn efficient polishing and surface texturizing techniques to ensure a natural esthetic result.

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: BM101

Freehand Diastema Closure: Live with Dr. Bob Margeas

Freehand Diastema Closure

Instructor: Dr. Bob Margeas

This live, step-by-by step hands-on course focuses on Dr. Margeas’s simplified technique that quickly establishes ideal width, proximal contact and contour without removing any tooth structure and requiring minimal finishing. Learn polishing and surface texturing that will produce natural-looking long term restorations.

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: BM102

Restoring the Discolored Central: Live with Dr. Bob Margeas

Restoring the Discolored Central Incisor

Instructor: Dr. Bob Margeas

This hands-on course will teach you how to use opaquers to raise the value of the tooth, without creating too bright of a tooth. You will also learn the use of tints to create incisal translucency. These techniques can be incorporated immediately into your practice for profitability.

AGD Subject Code: 780

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Course Code: BM103

Dr. David Chan

David K. Chan, DMD, AAACD

Dr. Chan earned his DMD degree in 1989 from Oregon Health Sciences University. He maintains a full-time practice focused on cosmetic and comprehensive dentistry located in Ridgefield, Washington.

David is the Past President of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, as director at the Center for Dental Artistry and a Clinical Instructor at the Kois Center in Seattle, Washington.

He is an Accredited member of the AACD and has been published widely in peer reviewed dental articles, including several articles in the prestigious “Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry”.

In addition, David travels nationally/internationally giving lectures to dentists on comprehensive esthetic dental care and serves as a key opinion leader for many dental products companies.

Follow on Instagram: @david_k._chan

Simple Concepts to Shape and Polish Anterior Composites to Rival Porcelain: Live with Dr. David K. Chan

Simple Concepts to Shape and Polish Anterior Composites to Rival Porcelain

Instructor: Dr. David Chan

This online course provides the participants with many priceless pearls to predictably shape and polish anterior composite restorations to the level that they can rival the beauty of the most esthetic porcelain restorations every single time.


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Course Code: DC301

Dr. Marc Geissberger

Marc Geissberger,DDS, MA

Dr. Geissberger graduated from the University of the Pacific in 1991 obtaining his dental degree and was elected to Omicron Kappa Upsilon as a student. He immediately returned to the school and has taught for 27 years, obtaining the rank of Full Professor. He obtained a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology from the University of the Pacific. From 2000-2015 he served as Department Chair of Restorative Dentistry. As he transitioned back into full-time practice, he became an Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry at the University of the Pacific from 2018 to 2021. He directed the University’s Aesthetic and Complex Care Clinic and teaches many hands-on CE courses in Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Geissberger has served as President of the National Chapter of Omicron Kappa. Dr. Geissberger has numerous publications including a textbook entitled Esthetic Dentistry in Clinical Practice for Wiley-Blackwell. He has presented nationally and internationally giving over 500 continuing education programs. Additionally, he is a Certified Personal Trainer. He maintains a private practice focusing on reconstructive and esthetic dentistry in Greenbrae, CA.

Follow on Instagram: @marindentist

Mastering the Class II Restoration

Mastering the Class II Restoration

Instructor: Dr. Marc Geissberger

Through this hands-on, live-streamed course, participants will be guided through the technique of producing predictable, beautiful life-like Class II restorations mimicking the natural tooth in every way. In addition to demonstrating how to achieve zero post-op sensitivity and natural proximal contacts every time, this restorative technique produces ideal occlusal anatomy and contacts prior to final light-curing!

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: MG201

Beautiful Class V Restorations: Predictable and Modified

Beautiful Class V Restorations: Predictable and Simplified

Instructor: Dr. Marc Geissberger

This two-hour hands-on Live interactive course will introduce participants to techniques and materials that will streamline the Class V restoration. Particular attention will be paid to preparation design, bonding protocols, placement techniques and polishing. This will be accomplished using both lecture format and live demonstration.

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: MG202

Beautiful Class V Restorations: Predictable and Modified

Warming Composites – Quicker, Better, and More Efficient Restorations

Instructor: Dr. Marc Geissberger

Composite warming techniques have been used for some time in dentistry. New advances in delivery now make this technique simpler and more predictable. This Live Demonstration Webinar will review the science behind warming composites and some of the new advances developed to help clinicians be more efficient and produce exceptional results. Various systems and delivery modalities will be reviewed.

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Dr. Marcos Vargas

Marcos Vargas, BDB, DDS, MS

Dr. Marcos Vargas attended Cayetano Heredia University School of Dentistry in Lima, Peru and graduated in 1985. He spent two years, 1990 to 1992, in the AEGD program at the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, New York.  Dr. Vargas received his Certificate and Master Degree in Operative Dentistry in 1994 at the University of Iowa where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Family Dentistry. His primary research interests are in the area of dental materials including glass ionomers, dentin bonding, composite resins and esthetic dentistry. Dr. Vargas is also recognized for his expertise of Direct Restorative Treatment Procedures and conducts numerous lecture and hands-on seminars in the US and internationally. Dr. Marcos Vargas has published extensively in the area of dental adhesion and resin composites for over 25 years. He maintains a private practice limited to Operative Dentistry with an emphasis on esthetic dentistry.

Follow on Instagram: @marcosvargas999

Esthetic and Efficient Peg Lateral Build ups

Live Hands-On Course

Instructor: Dr. Marcos Vargas

This in-your-office, hands-on exercise will teach you to build up peg laterals. The participants will be guided step-by-step through shade selection, tooth preparation, bonding, matrix adaptation, creating proximal contacts, layering, contouring, and polishing to build up peg laterals conservatively, predictably, and successfully utilizing direct resin composite.

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: MV402

Bulk Fill Posterior Resin Composite Restorations Made Easy

Esthetic Class lll & Peg Lateral Direct Restoration

Instructor: Dr. Marcos Vargas

The participants will be guided step-by-step through shade selection, tooth preparation, bonding, matrix adaptation, creating proximal contacts, layering, contouring and polishing to conservatively, predictably and successfully build up peg laterals and large Class III preparations utilizing direct resin composite.

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: MV401

Bulk Fill Posterior Resin Composite Restorations Made Easy

Maximizing Clinical Efficiency and Results with Bulk Fill Composites

Instructor: Dr. Marcos Vargas

This course will guide you, step-by-step, through the restoration of adjacent Class II restorations, providing the knowledge to select the proper matrix, wedge and ring to use. In addition, by providing you with critical information on bulk fill, flowable and conventional composite materials, you will gain the knowledge to maximize your technique efficiency while improving the predictability and profitability of your posterior composite restorations.


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Dr. Newton Fahl

Newton Fahl, DDS, MS

Dr. Newton Fahl, Jr. received his DDS degree from Londrina State University, Brazil, in 1987. In 1989 he received the Certificate in Operative Dentistry and Master of Science degree from the University of Iowa, USA. Dr. Newton Fahl, Jr. is a member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED), founding member and past president of the Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Dentistry (BSAD), and past-president of the Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry (SCAD). He is an MCG-Hinman Foundation fellow. Dr. Fahl is the recipient of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED) 2008 President’s Award for Best Teacher and the 2011 American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry Education Award. Dr. Fahl is an Adjunct Professor of Operative Dentistry at the University of North Carolina (UNC). Has published extensively on direct and indirect bonding techniques. He is on the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Fahl lives in Curitiba, Brazil, where he maintains a private practice emphasizing esthetic dentistry. He is executive director of the Fahl Center in Curitiba, Brazil where he conducts hands-on courses on direct and indirect adhesive restorations.

Follow on Instagram: @fahlcenter

Direct-Indirect Composite Resin Veneer: with Dr. Newton Fahl live from Brazil

The Direct-Indirect Composite Resin Veneer

Instructor: Dr. Newton Fahl

This course will introduce and discuss the use of composite resins for addressing anterior esthetic challenges through a direct-indirect approach, in which restorations are directly sculpted and indirectly bonded. The technique congregates the artistry and the layering concepts of direct composites with the advantages of indirect protocols. 

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: NF501

Guest Instructors

Dr. Devin McClintock

Devin McClintock, DDS

Dr. Devin McClintock is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine (2016), where she graduated with honors and a minor concentration in esthetics. After completing two years of General Practice Residency and a year as an associate in a private practice, she was one of a few residents selected to complete a two-year residency with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Currently, she is an owner at a private practice in Williamsburg,VA.

Follow on Instagram:@mcclintockdds

Tips & Tricks You WON’T Learn In Dental School

Tips & Tricks I've Learned Since Graduation

Guest Instructor: Dr. Devin McClintock

In this Demonstration Webinar, Join me as I go over my top tips and tricks I’ve learned since graduating from dental school that I wish I had learned sooner.


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Optimizing Isolation & Digital Workflow

Guest Instructor: Dr. Devin McClintock

Throughout this course, the importance of combining the use of the rubber dam with the incorporation of technology into everyday dentistry will be emphasized. 

AGD Subject Code: 250

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Course Code: DM701

Dr. Paresh Shah

Bobby Nadeau, DDS, MSc Endodontics

Dr. Bobby Nadeau graduated with a DDS degree from Dalhousie University and earned a Master of Science in Endodontics from the University of Toronto. He has developed particular interests in Dynamic Navigation for Endodontics, Ergonomics in Microscope Dentistry, Restoratively Driven Endodontics and Clinical Decision Making. Dr. Nadeau is in full time private practice in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Follow on Instagram:@nadeau.endos

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Dentin Conservation During Root Canal Treatment

Guest Instructor: Dr. Bobby Nadeau

This course will describe the benefits of dentin conservation during root canal instrumentation and how maintaining the pericervical dentin can improve patient centered outcomes of endodontic treatment. A modern, easy to use and safe rotary file system will be described. The step-by-step technique to using the rotary file system will be discussed.


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Susan McMahon, DMD, AAACD, FAGD

Dr. McMahon enjoys one of the largest cosmetic dental practices in Western Pennsylvania. She is accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and a Fellow of the prestigious American Society for Dental Aesthetics and a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry. An author and lecturer, Dr. McMahon has devoted her professional career to the pursuit of advanced technologies in cosmetic and minimally invasive dentistry. She is the Director of New Product Evaluation for Catapult Education. She frequently lectures across the United States on minimally invasive dentistry, technology and conservative cosmetics. She has been voted by her peers as a Top Pittsburgh Dentist every year for over 20 years.

Follow on Instagram:@smilesandthecity

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Quick, Predictable & Beautiful Solutions to Restoring Anterior Composites & Black Triangles

Guest Instructor: Dr. Susan McMahon

Many of us were taught to finish with discs and cups, which obliterate most anatomy and make our restorations apparent and unsightly. This course will give you the secrets to fast and predictable placement, anatomy, surface texture and finishing. Your composites will look like you spent hours of chair time but it will only take minutes.


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Dr. Marcos Vargas

Taras Konanec, DDS

Dr. Taras Konanec, DDS’97, co-owner of the Drummond Dental Group in downtown Montreal is in his 21st year of teaching as a part-time faculty lecturer at McGill University in the Department of Operative Dentistry, and in the Graduate Practice Management
Course. He is the 2018 recipient of the McGill Faculty of Dentistry’s Ralph Silverstone Teaching Award. Dr. Konanec’s passions lie in minimally invasive dentistry techniques and in microscope-enhanced dentistry. He focuses on the use of the Bioclear Method to restore anterior teeth and cast gold to restore posterior teeth. He practices daily using a dental operating microscope to enhance attention to detail. Dr. Konanec is a member of the Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry, the Academy of R.V. Tucker Study Clubs, Spear Study Club, and the Academy of General Dentistry.

Predictable Treatment Technique for Solving the Black Triangle Dilemma

Guest Instructor: Dr. Taras Konanec

Experience a unique approach to modern resin dentistry during this free Demonstration webinar.
Learn how to use injection molding to create ideal margins, rounded emergence profiles and mirror-smooth restorations. Anatomic Bioclear™ matrices are one of the main advancements in anterior composite dentistry in recent years – and the technique keeps evolving! 


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Predictable Diastema Closures Using the Bioclear Method

Predictable Diastema Closures Using the Bioclear Method

Guest Instructor: Dr. Taras Konanec

Injection molding warmed composite resin allows us to create monolithic restorations directly in the mouth. This technique of composite placement eradicates the issues of layering and hand manipulation that result in the formation of seams and voids. Participants will learn how the 3-step injection molding process can provide a predictable system for solving anterior esthetic dilemmas such as the closure of an anterior diastema. Pairing the anatomical Bioclear matrix with the “Rock Star Polish” allows the clinician to perform conservative, additive only dentistry resulting in strength, durability and esthetics.


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Dr. Ron Kaminer

Ron Kaminer, DDS

Dr. Ron Kaminer is a 1990 graduate of the State of New York (SUNY) Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. He has always been passionate about technology and was one of the first 100 dentists in the USA to include a hard tissue dental laser into his practice. Over the years Dr. Kaminer has taught dental lasers, technology and minimally invasive dentistry to thousands of dentists worldwide. He sits on the Board of Catalpult Education, is a frequent contributor to Mentor magazine, sits of the editorial board of Dental Product Shopper and acts as a clinical consultant to numerous dental manufacturers. While doing all of the above, Dr. Kaminer practices full time in both his offices in Hewlett and Oceanside, NY focusing on minimally invasive and digital dentistry. He is a Fellow of The Academy of General Dentistry, member of The American Dental Association, and member of the Academy of Laser Dentistry.

Teach Me to Be a Laser Dentist: A Crash Course on Diode Lasers and Restorative Dentistry

Guest Instructor: Dr. Ron Kaminer

In this On Demand Demonstration Webinar, we simplify laser science, and show you a variety of situations where using a diode laser helps improve the final outcome. A step-by-step approach for complicated Class II restorations and a simplified approach to crown and bridge impressions and scans will leave you energized and ready to incorporate lasers into your practice.


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Dr. Manfred Friedman

Manfred Friedman, BDS, BChD

Dr. Manfred Friedman graduated from the University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg in 1971 and then obtained his B.Ch.D. Honours at the University of Pretoria in 1980. He immigrated to Canada in 1987 where he took up a full-time position at the University of Western Ontario and was appointed as Director of Dentistry at The Southwestern Regional Centre for developmentally Challenged Adults from 1987 to 1994. Dr. Friedman was also the Director of the Undergrad Endo Program from 1997 to 2002. He currently has a practice in London, ON restricting his practice to Endodontics, and is a major part-time Adjunct Professor at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western where he directs the Endodontic Lab course as well as acts as a clinical instructor. Dr. Friedman has given numerous courses on Endodontics since joining dentistry at the University of Western Ontario, with particular interests in rotary instrumentation, endodontic materials, Apex locators, and restoring the endodontically treated tooth.

Post-Endodontic Restorations: Efficient Void-Free Post & Cores

Guest Instructor: Dr. Manfred Friedman

This Hands-On Course will walk participants through the restorative principles that will ensure a long-term success. An algorithm will be presented to identify when a fibre post and core should be placed in the endodontically treated tooth.

AGD Subject Code: 070

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Course Code: MF601

Dr. Patrick Roetzer, DDS

Patrick Roetzer, DDS

Dr. Patrick Roetzer is a 1974 graduate of Marquette University. Dr. Roetzer is an associate professor, operative course content director, as well as co-director of the International Dental student program at the University of the Pacific/Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. Dr. Roetzer holds multiple patents on restorative dental devices and materials. After building a prosthodontics group practice, he served four years as director of professional relations at Danville Materials while teaching one day per week at Pacific Dugoni. He accepted a full-time academic position at Pacific Dugoni in 2012 as director of Operatory Dentistry where he has introduced several novel techniques and materials that increase the efficiency and quality of restorative dentistry.

Predictable Management of Occlusion, Contacts & Margins for Direct & Indirect Restorations

Guest Instructor: Dr. Patrick Roetzer

In this On Demand Demonstration Webinar, learn how to predictably and safely adjust interproximal contacts on all-ceramic restorations and polish the adjusted surface with an emphasis on fragile veneers that come back from the lab with contacts that are “too tight”.


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Chad Duplantis, DDS, FAGD

Chad Duplantis, DDS, FAGD

Dr. Duplantis received his D.D.S. degree from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Dental School in 1999. He continued with postdoctoral training at Baylor College of Dentistry, earning a certificate in Advanced Education in General Dentistry in 2000. He has also applied for, and been confirmed for his Fellowship degree from the Academy of General Dentistry this coming July. He has been in private practice since 2000 in the North Fort Worth, Texas area. In private practice, he treats all ages with an emphasis on restorative and aesthetic dentistry. Dr. Duplantis is a member of Catapult Educations Speakers Bureau and has been a member of several Aesthetic and Restorative Continuums, most recently the Spear Education Study Club. Dr. Duplantis has always had an interest in “high-tech” dentistry and has been incorporating CAD/CAM technology in his practice since 2004. Dr. Duplantis has also written several articles regarding digital dentistry for various dental publications. He has helped 3M and Glidewell on various projects regarding the scanner and mills and is a member of the panel of experts on the website Dr. Duplantis resides in Keller, Texas with his wife, Ellen, and his children, Austin and Ava. He is an avid cyclist, enjoys shooting sporting clays, and loves to be outdoors.

Beyond the Prep: An Efficient Method of Temporization with Chad C. Duplantis, DDS, FAGD

Beyond the Prep: Recognizing the Importance of an Ideal Temporary

Guest Instructor: Chad C. Duplantis, DDS, FAGD

Multiple areas of indirect restorative dentistry exist that can adversely affect the final outcome if not done properly. The preparation and temporization of an indirect restoration are often overlooked but can both contribute to a successful outcome and is especially important in fixed prosthodontics. This step-by-step hands-on course will can be incorporated immediately into your practice and cut down on chair time during the fabrication of the temporary


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Dr. Rafael Bustamante

Rafael Bustamante, DDS

Dr. Bustamante graduated from the University of Lethbridge in 2000 with a degree in Biochemistry and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Alberta in 2004.  He adopted the use of the dental operating microscope in early 2005. He is certified in all levels, has completed the Master Track Accreditation and is on the Faculty at the Bioclear Learning Center. In a joint venture with CRD, he has supported the formation of the first Bioclear Study Club in Canada. He has participated in many virtual and live courses to clinicians from all over the continent introducing and teaching the Bioclear Method to them. 

He thrives on the quest for exactness in restorative dentistry and he feels most fulfilled when restoring teeth using the Bioclear Method or when performing either surgical or non-surgical endodontics. When he is not obsessing over tenths of a millimeter under the microscope, he is volunteering in the community, grilling anything over a roaring fire, reading a non-fiction book or enjoying a quiet evening with his wife and children.

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Guest Instructor: Dr. Rafael Bustamante

In this Demonstration Webinar, Join me as I introduce the Bioclear Method and how its modernized cavity preparations capitalize on the mechanical properties of composite resins.


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Dr. Paresh Shah

Paresh Shah, DDS

Dr. Paresh Shah is an internationally renowned speaker and active member of several organizations including the Seattle Study Club and the AACD. He maintains a private practice in Winnipeg, MB and has a passion for comprehensive dentistry.

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Veneer Provisionals – The Road Map to Success

Guest Instructor: Dr. Paresh Shah

Well-designed and placed provisional veneers can serve as a blueprint for smile makeovers. In this live demonstration webinar, join us to evaluate the importance of fabricating provisional veneers and how they can help make your final restorations more predictable.


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Dr. Nate Lawson

Nate Lawson, DMD, MA, PHD

Dr. Lawson is the Director of the Division of Biomaterials at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry and the program director of the Biomaterials residency program. He graduated from UAB School of Dentistry in 2011 and obtained his PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2012. His research interests are the mechanical, optical, and biologic properties of dental materials and clinical evaluation of new dental materials. He was the 2016 recipient of the Stanford New Investigator Award and the 2017 3M Innovative Research Fellowship both from the American Dental Association. He served on the American Dental Association Council of Scientific Affairs and is on the editorial board of The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry and Compendium. He has lectured nationally and internationally on the subject of dental materials. He also works as  a general dentist in the UAB Faculty Practice.


Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Materials and Techniques for Class II Composites

Guest Instructor: Dr. Nate Lawson

Posterior composite restorations remain the bread-and-butter procedure of many general dentists. Although this procedure may seem trivial, there are many clinical factors which lead to a long-lasting restoration, including diagnosis, isolation, cavity preparation, matrix and wedge placement, composite placement, and finishing and polishing. This course aims to review the techniques for each of these steps based on current evidence.


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Dr. Nate Lawson

Dimple Desai, DDS, AAACD

Dr. Dimple Desai is a Cosmetic Dentist practicing in Newport Beach, CA. She is the founder of Luminous Smiles - a boutique dental practice focusing on rejuvenating patient’s lives through their smile. Dr. Desai received her Doctorate in Dental surgery from the University of Southern California in 2008 and was selected to become a member of the national dental society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Dr. Desai returned to her Alma Mater in 2018 to serve as a Clinical Adjunct Professor until 2020. She has been recognized as a Top Dentist locally for four consecutive years and was recognized nationally as a Top 40 under 40 Dentist in 2020. Dr. Desai is a proud accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and has published numerous articles highlighting her patient cases in nationally circulated dental publications.


Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

The Art Of Incisal Enhancement

Guest Instructor: Dr. Dimple Desai

This On-Demand Webinar will show cases of worn incisal edges post clear aligner therapy and clinical tips on how to perform composite bonding in a step by step approach. The techniques will help the clinician with composite shade selection and bonding protocols. Lastly, shaping, contouring and polishing the composite will be demonstrated


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Dr. Nate Lawson

Reza Farshey, DMD

Dr. Reza Farshey received his bachelor’s degree in physics from McGill University, and his dental degree from Tufts University. He practiced as a general dentist for seven years, and then went on to complete the endodontic program at Boston University in 2007. He is a full-time clinician and partner at Chevy Chase Endodontics, a private practice in Washington DC, USA. Dr. Farshey is a US board-certified endodontist who has a passion for endodontic education. He was a clinical assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry for five years and has also authored two chapters in the endodontic textbook, “Current Therapy in Endodontics.” He is the Founder and CEO of BubblesEndo, an AI based tech start-up developing software to help dentists make accurate endodontic diagnoses.

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Do You Really Know Minimally Invasive Endodontics (MIE)?

Guest Instructor: Dr. Reza Farshey

Successful endodontic treatment is dependent on a meticulous execution of the Endodontic Triad: cleaning, shaping and obturation of the root canal system. Many innovative technologies have successfully emerged with the aim to enhance the efficiency of this process. Utilizing the concept of Minimally Invasive Endodontics (MIE), Dr. Farshey will share step-by-step protocols and the tools you need to perform excellent endodontics in accordance with today’s standards.


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Dr. Nate Lawson

Kerry Lepicek, RDH

Kerry Lepicek is an experienced dental hygienist with over 20 years of clinical practice. She works at Clinical Research Dental as a Clinical Specialist in Dental Hygiene and Education and part-time in a general practice. Kerry's expertise includes oral biofilm, halitosis, the oral-systemic connection, and the dental hygiene process of care. She is focused on educating patients and the dental profession on health and wellness. Kerry is involved in various dental organizations, including section editor for Women in Dentistry, on the Research Advisory Committee for the Ontario Dental Hygiene Association, and on the advisory board for AAOSH. She recently received the Distinguished Services Award from Ontario Dental Hygienists Association (ODHA) for outstanding contributions to the dental hygiene profession and the Association. Her practical advice will transform your practice and patients’ health.

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Shedding light on Periodontal Pathogens

Guest Instructors: Kerry Lepicek & Beth Parkes

Understanding and prioritizing the oral systemic connection is crucial and underscores the importance of proactively treating our patients in a manner that addresses both oral and systemic wellness. Join Beth and Kerry as they explore the multiple benefits of implementing diode lasers procedures into the dental practice’s non-surgical periodontal program and discover how the use of diode lasers in dentistry represent a significant advancement in technology. This course will highlight how the laser can elevate the dental hygiene department and benefit patients in numerous ways.


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Dr. Nate Lawson

Beth Parkes, RDH

Beth Parkes RDH, BSc is an engaging international speaker who has been a Registered Dental Hygienist for nearly 20 years. She has gained her clinical knowledge and skills through General and Independent Practice, Mobile Dental Hygiene, Orthodontics and Periodontics. Beyond her clinical experience, Beth is the Manager of Clinical Affairs for Curion, a writer, a board member for Dental Hygiene Quarterly, an rdhu speaker and a valued cast member of The RDH View. Her overarching goal is to cultivate future leaders within the Dental Hygiene Profession, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their careers while helping their patients obtain and maintain optimal oral health.

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Shedding light on Periodontal Pathogens

Guest Instructors: Kerry Lepicek & Beth Parkes

Understanding and prioritizing the oral systemic connection is crucial and underscores the importance of proactively treating our patients in a manner that addresses both oral and systemic wellness. Join Beth and Kerry as they explore the multiple benefits of implementing diode lasers procedures into the dental practice’s non-surgical periodontal program and discover how the use of diode lasers in dentistry represent a significant advancement in technology. This course will highlight how the laser can elevate the dental hygiene department and benefit patients in numerous ways.


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Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD

Dr. Jennifer Bell earned her undergraduate and doctoral degrees at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Bell is an innovative and fresh voice in the world of dentistry. She brings a unique perspective on digital innovation, practice management, team building, and leadership development through an engaging and interactive style. Dr. Bell is also a frequent contributor to leading dental publications, speaks on a variety of relevant and timely topics, and co-hosts a popular, weekly dental industry podcast, Dentists in the Know. Dr. Bell is a graduate of the Kois Continuum and a fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry, Pierre Fauchard Academy and the International College of Dentists. Dr. Bell is active in the Academy of General Dentistry where she serves on the Dental Practice Council and as a National Spokesperson. She is also a Member in Process with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. She has served as an Advisor, Key Opinion Leader (KOL), or Educator for notable brands like Align Technology, Formlabs, and many more. She currently owns two practices in the Raleigh, NC area where she practices full time.

Restoring The Endodontically-Treated Tooth With The Bioclear Method

Optimizing Dental Excellence: Creating Direct Restorative Workflows

Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Bell

Digital dentistry technologies and techniques have evolved substantially in recent years, allowing for more complex in-office workflows. In this course, Dr. Jennifer Bell will review scenarios where the use of a digital workflow expedites the delivery of direct anterior restorations in a more predictable and efficient way. Dr. Jennifer Bell will explain the process step by step, featuring multiple clinical cases with direct restorative applications.  Each of the elements will be presented with a theory-based approach, then evolving to a practical activity to demonstrate the techniques. The comprehensive live demonstration covers initial scanning protocol, exocad restoration design, 3D printing, and direct injected molded restorations made in the mouth with flowable composite. 


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AGD PACE Accreditation

Nationally Approved PACE Program
Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by
any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
4/1/2023 to 3/31/2026. Provider ID #401651


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  • Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (EST)

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